Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Mod Mom Furniture

Hey! So I'm baby steps away from hopefully successfully launching my Mod Mom toy box furniture line. I've included photos below. I'm still staining -- one is mostly stained (the mid-century box) and the other will be stained but more of a light birch color. Thought you'd like to see some progress since I talk about it like I'm selling thousands of them a day. Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Annis said...

Hi! Just signed on with something to send this comment...guess I now have 2 places to post a blog! (I also have a myspace acct).

Love the furniture! And the pics of your Thanksgiving weekend look great. Was she really just out of the hospital? Please let her know I thought she looked great & Chase is a beautiful baby! Love & miss you!

Mary-Anne said...

Furniture eh? Am I psychic or what? I love it!
